Tuesday, November 30, 2010



When you are driving, wouldn’t it be nice to know where the speed traps are?  Well now is your chance with the new Trapster application.  This new application allows you to see where speed trap and red light locations are on the roads.  Each user is rated on their reliability and their information is sometimes negated from being used if the information was not backed up by other users. 
The application will even show you if a trap is expired by making the icon transparent.  Every piece of information that is gathered is retrieved by users and sent in.  Trapster does not have a team that locates speed zones, so this application is only as good as its users.  Since no one likes getting a ticket, this application has great incentive for people who use it.  Trapster also has other services such as road kill locators. However, for people to use these, they need that extra incentive. The legitimacy is questionable about the application because knowing where the speed traps are seems legally deceptive. The incentive idea is great to get people to use the other applications, but may fall short.

Nathalie Arkell
Nickolas Bryan
Kaitlin Friesen
Jason Grant
Risha Pandya