Sunday, November 28, 2010


MapMyRide is a geospatial application that allows users to map and share recreational transportation routes. ‘Geospatial’ describes the software-based analysis of spatial and geographical data; in this case MapMyRide makes use of Google Earth software (WPSU, 2010). The website focuses on cycling routes, but the user can choose to map, among others, walking and running routes. Favorite routes with personal comments and geotags can be shared online: geotags such as ‘scenic’ or ‘off-road’ allow others to search for ideal routes to try out instead of their own. One can explore local areas, search for and rate maps and add comments. Users can plan events, facilitating user interaction outside the Internet. The events can be created to promote routes or causes, or to reach out to potential riders. Through this application, one can join a cycling or exercise club of sorts, connecting online to create a community of cyclists from home.

The application can be downloaded to Smartphones, tracking the user on their route and creating a map that can be uploaded to their profile. Outside of mapping routes, the user can plan workouts and create training programs. The application calculates calories burned, distance travelled, dollars saved on gas, and carbon offset. Once a member is a user, they can add friends and rivals to compare routes and foster some friendly competition. MapMyRide thus combines aspects of both geospatial technology and social networking.

Margot Couse
Dylan Harp
Brett Harrington
Bradley Kalman
Rebecca Mills