Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cycling the Alps

The geospatial web application www.cyclingthealps.com is a Google Earth and Google Maps based website, used to familiarize cyclists with various possible cycling routes. This is beneficial for cyclist enthusiasts, as it allows them to navigate the Italian alps from the comfort of their home. Not only is the website a convenient source of detailed information regarding cycling routes in the Alps, but it also allows one to personalize their adventure based on skill level, intensity of the route and scenery. The website offers tourists from around the world the chance to experience multiple trails suited to their needs, just by the click of a button. By using GIS data collected and distributed by Google, this website demonstrates that it is no longer necessary to spend money on maps and travel guides, as users can simply plan their own trips (Roxanne Nelson, 1999). Not only does the user have access to the experiences of previous cyclists, but they can view their chosen route in 3D, as if they are already there. This geospatial application is the first of its kind, covering every aspect required for planning an unforgettable trip. Applications like these will soon be cropping up everywhere, for uses from hiking trails, canoe routes and skiing paths, to cross country road trips. Because of Google, online mapping has exploded into a phenomenon that gives ‘being there’ a whole new meaning (National Geographic, 2010).

Lauren Boutilier
Jennifer Hickman
Colin Donoghue
Shinead Macfarlane
Kayla Cressman